
Focusing On Pest Control

Getting The Most Out Of Your Termite Treatments

When it comes to termite control, it's important for homeowners to understand that it is a two-part process. On the one hand, you can hire an experienced pest control specialist, but on the other hand, you must also take steps to increase the lifespan of the pest control specialist's efforts. Learn what steps you can take to get the most out of your treatment.

Keep up With Treatments

If you are on a current regimen of pest control treatments, it's vital that you stay on course with these treatments. A pest control specialist will determine how often you need to receive these treatments, such as twice a year or annually, based on their professional opinion, as it pertains to your risk and whether you currently have a termite problem. When you ignore this feedback, you make the treatments less effective. Ensure you stay on track.

Control Moisture

Like other living beings, termites need moisture to survive. If they can find an area that has plenty of moisture for them to thrive, this is where they will settle. You can help increase the effectiveness of your treatments by keeping moisture around your home under control. To accomplish this, ensure there is no water pooling on top of your roof or near the foundation. The best way to do this is to keep your gutters clean. When your gutters are not clean, water will pool on your roof or roll down your home and settle at the foundation.

Eliminate Food Sources

Termites also look for areas where they have ample food sources. First, avoid storing large piles of wood directly next to your home. If you store wood, keep it a safe distance away from your home. Next, if you use mulch for landscaping, you should also ensure it does not touch the side of your home. If this is impossible, use a cellulose-free much as an alternative, since termites don't feed on it.

Block Access

Termites don't have special powers that allow them to crawl through surfaces magically; they enter through gaps and openings around a structure. Take the time to look around your house for any potential entry points, including the openings where your plumbing lines enter your home. Have these areas sealed up right away. Remember, termites are tiny creatures, so they only need a very small opening to gain access.

Always speak with a pest control specialist like EMCO Pest Control for additional steps that are specific to your home and termite concerns.

About Me

Focusing On Pest Control

After dealing with bug infestations in my home for a few years, it occurred to me that I had to do something to make things right. I began thinking about all of my available options, and I realized that working with a professional pest control contractor was one of my best bets. I talked with them about the kinds of bugs that I was finding in my home, and they were really helpful. They came out, sprayed, and even applied some protective treatments around the outside of my house to deter future issues. I wanted to start a blog all about pest control, so I made this website. Check it out.


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