
Focusing On Pest Control

Bed Bug Detection And Treatment

If you have children, you may have told them "sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite" while tucking them into bed for the night. While there are a few different myths surrounding the origin of this little rhyme, it most likely doesn't have anything to do with tiny little insects. Instead, it was just a way of telling loved ones to have a good night's sleep.

Besides the fact that the word "bite" rhymes with "tight," no one really knows why bed bugs were included in the rhyme. What people do know is that bed bugs first became problematic in the United States during the 18th century. After disappearing for about 40 years, the tiny little insects have come back with a vengeance.

If you are concerned about bed bugs, here are some ways to detect them and also an effective way to get rid of them.

Bed Bug Detection

Bed bugs are about the size of an apple seed, which is less than a 1/4-inch long. Because of their tiny size, they are difficult to find. One of the best ways to determine if you have bed bugs is if you find small red bumps on your skin after waking up. Oftentimes, the bumps appear in a straight line. You may also notice a musty odor coming from your mattress.

Finding tiny eggs or eggshells on your mattress is another indication you have bed bugs. Also, if you see tiny bloodstains on the bed sheets, it could indicate that some of the bed bugs were crushed.

Bed Bug Treatment

You might think that all it takes to get rid of bed bugs is to dispose of your mattress. Unfortunately, it's not that simple, as bed bugs are very difficult to get rid of. Also, just because they are called bed bugs, doesn't mean that they only take up residence on your bed. The little bugs can be found in the bed frame, nightstand, dressers, and the cracks and crevices of your walls.

While there are many do-it-yourself ways to get rid of bed bugs, it might be in your best interest to call a professional exterminator like Arab Termite and Pest Control. Not only do some DIY methods provide just a temporary solution, but some types of bed bug treatments contain toxic chemicals that could pose a danger to you, your family, and your pets. Because professional exterminators have strategic methods for getting rid of bed bugs, they can provide a safe and permanent solution for your bed bug problems.

About Me

Focusing On Pest Control

After dealing with bug infestations in my home for a few years, it occurred to me that I had to do something to make things right. I began thinking about all of my available options, and I realized that working with a professional pest control contractor was one of my best bets. I talked with them about the kinds of bugs that I was finding in my home, and they were really helpful. They came out, sprayed, and even applied some protective treatments around the outside of my house to deter future issues. I wanted to start a blog all about pest control, so I made this website. Check it out.


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