
Focusing On Pest Control

How To Drive Flies From Your Restaurant Kitchen

Flies might seem like a common pest in restaurants, but they aren't something you should ignore. Too many flies can cause guests to not want to return to your restaurant. Also, there's a risk that the flies will spread disease if they aren't kept out of the kitchen.

Take the Garbage Out

Make sure to remove trash and place it outside your restaurant as soon as the trash cans fill up. Do not place bags of garbage near the door to take out later, because this will simply attract flies. If possible, keep the dumpster as far away from the restaurant as possible to keep flies from being drawn closer to your restaurant.

Clean the Drains

A common type of fly you might deal with is drain flies. These flies become prevalent when you do not adequately clean out your drains. Use a pipe brush to clean out the drain, and then pour boiling water down it. Also, there are products that you can pour down the drain that will cut down on drain flies. Make sure to repeat the use of this product regularly.

Clean Counter Spaces

All counter spaces need to be wiped down every day. Not only will this cut down on flies, but it will also reduce the transmission of pathogens. If you have flies in your kitchen, this can be a sign that your kitchen is unsanitary even if you manage to kill the flies. Therefore, you'll need to enforce more cleaning habits.

Clean Your Sinks

Make sure that the sinks and bar mats are kept clean. When these become dirty, they will often attract fruit flies. Employees should routinely be encouraged to clean up and should not be allowed to end their shifts until they have finished cleaning up.

Use Fly Ribbon Tape

Bug zappers are not a recommended method of killing flies. When the flies are killed by a bug zapper, they can fall onto food preparation surfaces. Fly ribbon tape is one option, but it should be used in combination with other pest control methods, and customers should not see the tape.

If you are still struggling to get your fly problem under control, make sure to contact a pest control service. In many cases, you might need a method for killing the flies that doesn't also contaminate your food, but there are many options available that will keep your kitchen safe and sanitary.

About Me

Focusing On Pest Control

After dealing with bug infestations in my home for a few years, it occurred to me that I had to do something to make things right. I began thinking about all of my available options, and I realized that working with a professional pest control contractor was one of my best bets. I talked with them about the kinds of bugs that I was finding in my home, and they were really helpful. They came out, sprayed, and even applied some protective treatments around the outside of my house to deter future issues. I wanted to start a blog all about pest control, so I made this website. Check it out.


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